How to Make $10,000 as a student: Building Wealth with the Right Vehicle and Business Model

Building Wealth

In today’s fast-paced world, many students aspire to make $10,000 per month. However, amidst the abundance of misinformation and get-rich-quick schemes, it’s important to approach this goal with realistic strategies and expectations. In this article, we will delve into the three main components of achieving this financial milestone as a student: finding the right vehicle, selecting a suitable business model, and understanding the timeline and dedication required.

Building Wealth

Finding the Right Vehicle
To begin your journey towards making $10,000 per month, it is crucial to find the right vehicle or opportunity. This means identifying an avenue that provides substantial income potential without excessive risks. While trading may seem enticing, it is not recommended due to its inherent difficulty in generating consistent profits. Instead, consider exploring other options that offer a balance between income potential and manageable risk.

Selecting the Right Business Model
One of the key factors in achieving your financial goal is selecting the right business model. Two primary criteria to consider are high perceived value and leverage. A business with high perceived value offers services or guidance that clients find truly valuable and are willing to pay a premium for. On the other hand, a business with leverage allows you to expand your operations by hiring others to handle certain tasks, thus increasing your overall earning potential. Examples of businesses with leverage include online personal training with a team of coaches or an agency offering various marketing services.

Understanding the Timeline and Dedication
Building-wealth takes time, effort, and patience. It is essential to set realistic expectations and understand that success does not come overnight. While some individuals may achieve their financial goals sooner, it is crucial not to compare your progress to others’. Instead, focus on your own journey and dedicate yourself to consistent hard work. Set your expectations in terms of years rather than months, recognizing that long-term success is built through perseverance and strategic decision-making.

Embracing the Journey
It is important to maintain a positive mindset throughout your journey towards making $10,000 per month. Acknowledge that progress often occurs in waves, with periods of plateau followed by sudden growth. Embrace the challenges and view setbacks as learning opportunities. Stay persistent, adapt to market changes, and remain committed to your goals.

In this video, the speaker shares three main components to focus on in order to make $10,000 per month as a student. They emphasize the importance of finding the right vehicle, avoiding risky investments like trading, and choosing a business model with high perceived value or leverage.


  • 🚗 Find the right vehicle/opportunity that allows you to make $10,000 per month without high risks.
  • 💰 Avoid trading as a means to achieve this goal, as it is difficult to turn a small investment into significant profits.
  • 💡 Choose a business model with high perceived value or leverage, such as offering valuable services or building a team of coaches.
  • 📈 Stretch out the timeline and set realistic expectations, understanding that building wealth takes time and dedication.
  • ⏰ Don’t get discouraged by slow progress. It often takes years of hard work and dedication to reach the desired income level.
  • 💪 Work consistently and focus on building a solid foundation for your business.
  • ⚖️ Remember that success may come in waves, with periods of plateau followed by sudden growth. Stay persistent and committed to your goals.

Making $10,000 per month as a student is an ambitious goal, but it is attainable with the right approach. By finding the right vehicle, selecting a suitable business model, understanding the timeline and dedication required, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can embark on a path towards financial success. Remember that building wealth takes time and effort, so stay focused, be patient, and celebrate the milestones along the way.